Jinan, the capital of Shandong province, recently introduced an action plan (2024-26) to promote the development of the esports gaming industry, aiming to accelerate its development into a digital pioneer city, cultivate new economic drivers, and establish itself as a renowned esports city in the Yellow River Basin.

According to the plan, Jinan aims to build three to five fully functional competition venues by 2026 and nurture around 10 leading enterprises specializing in esports gaming research, events, and operations. The city also plans to host five highly professional and popular international and domestic esports events, along with local brand competitions, and develop a series of esports-related application scenarios.

The action plan includes various measures such as expediting infrastructure construction, promoting the development of industrial clusters, establishing esports training bases, and creating name-brand events.

In addition, Jinan will encourage universities to set up esports gaming-related majors, strengthen risk assessment and disposal in the esports gaming field, and promote innovation in the integration and application of the esports gaming industry.

Jinan will also introduce top-tier esports events, create independent competitions, organize peripheral activities like esports gaming weeks, and promote the integrated development of the esports gaming industry. The goal is to drive the development of peripheral industries related to esports gaming, including esports broadcasting, agency, information, training, and equipment. This is expected to expand the channels for disseminating esports event content and enhance the production and dissemination capabilities of esports content.